Softwareentwicklung Heinz Lüdert
Free download of the PreFlight 4.1 full version:
Here you find the version for Apple Macintosh OS 10.x
The "dmg" file offered is a disk image. It contains the "Setup.pkg" installation program.
To "expand" the installation program, simply click the downloaded file.
Thus the "Disk Copy" application, which is part of the Mac OS X, starts to expand your file.
After the file is expanded, please click the "Setup.pkg" installation program.
It will merely ask you for the installation volume.
Finally you will find PreFlight in the "/Applications/PreFlight41X" folder.
Now launch PreFlight, enter
- "Name"
- "City"
- "Serial number" (=123456)
and import the scanned map.
In order to import the map, choose the "Miscellaneous - Administration of Maps" menu option.
Thus you open the "Scanned Maps" dialog box.
Here click the "Import..." button,
to open the "Calibration.scm" file (in the "PreFlight 4.1" disk image).
Subsequently choose "OK", to close the "Scanned Maps" dialog box again.
Thus you have assigned co-ordinates to the image of the map and now you can view or edit your
flight routes on that map.
Note, that because of their higher resolution, ICAO charts scanned with 150 dpi do suit much better for flight planning.
If you no longer need PreFlight on your computer, simply remove the "PreFlight41X" folder.
System Requirements:
- PowerMacintosh, 300 MHz or more, with a minimum of 128 MB of RAM
- Free hard disk space of 20 MB for the full version, without additional charts
- Mac OS X
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